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Responsible Serving of Alcohol

As an establishment that sells alcoholic beverages, you have a big obligation to helping keep alcohol out of the hands of minors. WHPC wants to provide you with resources to make the transition back to serving as seamless and safe as possible for all.




Free TIPS Training

TIPS (Training Intervention ProcedureS) is a skills-based training program designed to prevent intoxication, underage drinking, and drunk driving.  By building on individuals’ fundamental “people skills,” TIPS provides the knowledge and confidence they need to recognize potential alcohol-related problems and how to effectively intervene to prevent alcohol-related tragedies.


When you serve or sell alcohol, you know the risks:​

  • Risk lawsuits if you overserve

  • Risk lives if you serve a drunk driver

  • Risk your livelihood if you sell to a minor


Using TIPS brings immediate payback through lowered risk and a safer, more responsible work environment.  With TIPS, you gain valuable competitive advantages such as:


  • Possible lower business insurance premiums

  • Reduced exposure to alcohol liability lawsuits

  • Decreased penalties for alcohol violations

  • Safer communities

  • Improved customer service

  • ​

If you are interested in registering you and your staff for this free training, please sign up at

or email and we will contact you with dates.


Statewide #MentionPrevention Resources 

The Statewide #MentionPrevention campaign for substance use prevention, education and awareness campaign's mission is strengthening Connecticut communities through the power of communication.  They provide retailers floor decals, window clings, register decals and more! Access all the free materials on their website.

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