Is your medicine cabinet full of expired drugs or medications you no longer use? Your medicine is for you. What’s safe for you might be harmful for someone else.
Help limit access —get rid of any unused or expired medications that may be hiding in your cabinets and drawers. Remove these medicines as soon as possible to reduce the chance that your teen takes them by accident or on purpose.
When you dispose of medicines safely, you help:
prevent misuse and accidental poisoning
protect children
safeguard the water supply
save the environment
make the Milford community strong
What Are Household Medicines?
• Prescriptions — like you get from a doctor or pharmacy • Over-the-counter medicines — like you buy from a store
When Do I Dispose of Medicines? Get rid of any medicines that are damaged, expired, unused, or unwanted.

Dropbox Locations
The medication collection and disposal program provides a safe disposal location for citizens to properly dispose of unused household medications. Prescription drug drop boxes are only permitted to reside within police departments or within retail pharmacies that have been approved by the Department of Consumer Protection, Drug Control Division.

Drug Disposal Kits The Deterra® Drug Deactivation System is the simplest and most effective way to dispose of medication at home to keep unwanted prescription and over-the-counter drugs out of the wrong hands and prevent environmental contamination. Reach out to WHPC for your free kit at
Prescription Drug Take Back Days
DEA’s National Prescription Drug Take Back Day reflects DEA’s commitment to Americans’ safety and health, encouraging the public to remove unneeded medications from their homes as a measure of preventing medication misuse and opioid addiction from ever starting.
They are typically held on the last Saturday in April and October annually. Learn more:
Where Can I Learn More • Food and Drug Administration — •Environmental Protection Agency — • Up and Away and Out of Sight is an educational program to remind families about the importance of safe medicine storage. It is an initiative of PROTECT, in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Consumer Healthcare Products Association Educational Foundation and the below organizations. —